Credit Card, Debit Card, and PayPal donations

Make a quick and easy donation right here, right now with or without a PayPal account.

  • PayPal account

    Follow the instructions below to log in to your PayPal account to make a donation today.

  • No PayPal account

    Don’t have a PayPal account? Don't worry, you can pay with your credit card by following the instructions below.

After clicking on any of the “DONATE NOW” buttons on this page you will be directed to a page that looks like this example image.

  1. Choose the amount you wish to donate.

  2. Click on the arrow icon (shown here with a pink circle around it) to choose which initiative you wish to support with your donation.

  3. Check the box if you wish to make it a monthly donation.

  4. Donations received through PayPal are subject to PayPal's 2.7% fee. Please consider covering this fee when making your donation by checking the box.

  5. Click the “Donate with PayPal” button if you wish to donate through your PayPal account. After clicking, you will be prompted to sign in.

  6. If you do not have a PayPal account, click the “Donate with a Debit or Credit Card” button. You will be prompted to fill in your information.

  • Donate now using your credit/debit card, or PayPal account.

  • Go back and view all donation options available.