Donate to the East Cape Health Center
Founded in 2000, East Cape Health (a.k.a. East Cape Community Urgent Care Clinic) provides high-quality medical, dental, pediatric, optical and specialist care to those living in and visiting the East Cape in Mexico's Southern Baja region. They improve the quality of life for local families through early detection and treatment of infection and disease.
East Cape Health believes that every life has an equal value. It doesn’t matter if your family is rich or poor, privileged or not, every child should have the same opportunities for happiness and success.
Through their passport to health for children program, the clinic provides medical and dental care to all children under 18 at no cost to their families.
The East Cape Health Center provides free medical services to all the children at New Creation Kids Albergue, the children's home in La Paz, Mexico for which Leaders2Give sustains financial operations. They have pledged they will do the same for the new children's home in El Cardonal once it is operating.
Learn more about the East Cape Health Center.