Survey Says!
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We are excited to share the results of our recent survey with you, as it reaffirms the positive impact we are making together to create a brighter future for vulnerable children.
But it wasn’t all good…
We also recognized the need to address some misconceptions surrounding our ongoing project - The John Gullo Home for Children - which is currently being built to help protect vulnerable children whose families are facing medical crises.
First and foremost, we want to express our sincere gratitude to all those who participated in the survey. Your input has been invaluable in understanding your perspectives and values when it comes to supporting a non-profit organization.
Insight #1
Impact Matters: An overwhelming 88% of respondents chose "Impact" as their primary consideration when supporting a non-profit. We take this to heart, as it underscores the significance of our work in improving the lives of those in need.
Insight #2
Passion for Children and Youth: 85% of respondents expressed their passion for charitable initiatives related to children and youth. This alignment with our mission warms our hearts and further validates the importance of our endeavor.
Insight #3
Addressing Concerns: One vital takeaway from the survey is that some individuals questioned or failed to comprehend the necessity of the new home, which will provide a safe haven for children during their families' medical challenges. Allow us to present the facts that demonstrate the urgent need for our project:
The statistics reveal a distressing reality, with poverty among women and children in Baja California Sur rising by a staggering 200% in recent years. These vulnerable families are facing immense difficulties in accessing essential resources and support.
Baja California Sur is grappling with alarming rates of breast cancer and childhood leukemia, adding an extra layer of hardship to already vulnerable families. Women undergoing cancer treatments often find themselves unable to care for their children during this critical time.
Or if they need to travel to seek medical care for their sick child, single mothers often have no where for their healthy children to go.
We are encouraged by the acknowledgment of the need for our facility by respected organizations such as Fipcam, a Mexican non-profit dedicated to assisting women in poverty requiring cancer treatment.
Additionally, the DIF, (a Mexican public institution of social assistance that focuses on strengthening and developing the welfare of Mexican families), supports and is collaborating with us in our mission to provide a nurturing environment for children who might otherwise be abandoned.
Both the local delegation for the East Cape and the sub-delegation for El Cardonal have endorsed and supported our project. Their endorsement signifies the relevance and importance of our initiative in addressing the real needs of the community.
We are deeply humbled by the immense support and encouragement from the local community in El Cardonal. Their backing reinforces the significance of our endeavor in creating a brighter future for the children in BCS.
Together, we can make a profound difference in the lives of these vulnerable children, providing them with the love, care, and stability they desperately need during challenging times. By educating the community about the very real need for this home, we aim to dispel any misconceptions and foster an environment of understanding and compassion.
As we move forward, we will continue to provide updates on our progress and the positive impact that is the result of all of us working together. Your support, be it through donations, volunteering, or spreading awareness, is instrumental in bringing our vision to life.
To help make a difference in the lives of the families waiting for this home, please click the button below and choose “John Gullo Home For Vulnerable Children” from the menu. Every bit counts!
Now for even more inspiration, please read all of our partner updates below:
Líderes Para Dar / John Gullo Home for Children
Phase 1 of construction is moving fast! This phase includes the preparation of all buildings including formation of all structures. We are currently trying to keep the project from stalling by raising the funds needed for Phase 2 which will include masonry, finishes, doors, windows, electrical/plumbing infrastructure, security, and septic.
If we have the funds to keep it rolling, Phase 2 could begin as early as the end of August/beginning of September.
For those who may be interested, naming rights exist for various significant areas within the facility, such as the dormitories, shade pavilion, and staffing quarters. This is a heartfelt way to leave a lasting legacy, knowing that you have directly impacted the lives of these children.
We have multiple avenues to donate, including online through PayPal, wire transfer, mailing a check, stock transfer, Donor Managed Funds, and even IRA Assets. These options come with significant tax benefits, making your contribution even more impactful. Reach out to us for a consultation on how we can minimize your tax burden and maximize the impact of your donation.
New Creation Kids (NCK) Children’s Home
Please help us celebrate the recent graduates who are living at New Creation Kids - Nueva Creaçion Niños children’s home.
These great kids graduated from second grade, 8th grade, and secondary school. Through your support, Leaders2Give helps fund their education including tuition, books and uniforms.
New Creation Kids is an independently registered and operated Mexican nonprofit organization (Asociación Civil.) Up to 30 children are under legal guardianship of this home for vulnerable children at any given time. Their parents are unable or unfit to take care of them for a myriad of reasons (e.g. drug or alcohol addiction, violence, homelessness.)
This facility provides the children with a stable home where they are cared for and loved. To see them smiling and succeeding despite where they came from is everything!
The East Cape Health Center
Last week, our clinic had the visit of a group of children full of curiosity and enthusiasm - 4 groups of 30 kids, to be exact! They were welcomed by our staff who kindly showed them the different areas of the clinic. After a brief talk about the importance of staying healthy, the tour began.
In the X-ray room, the children were amazed to see the machines and learned how to obtain images of the body. It was a pleasure to welcome these children to our medical clinic, and we hope this inspires some of them to pursue a career in the field of medicine.
The East Cape Health Center always has their doors open to welcome to children and we love that!
Feeding The Hungry
In What’s it Like Being Poor and Hungry? Most of us who don’t live in poverty really don’t know what it is like for those who do. Being poor is like being at the bottom of a deep, dirty hole.
You may find an occasional foothold, a root to grab here or there to try to escape, but the soil crumbles beneath your weight, or the root snaps. When you fall, you often find that the hole is deeper than before.
Being poor is the rumble of emptiness from your stomach that seems to echo into your equally empty cabinets. Being poor is selling, out of desperation, anything you may still have with any sort of value and cashing it in for pennies.
You’re so busy scraping together money to live on, and to patch the leaky holes (literal and figurative) that are popping up in every area of your life, it can be impossible to gain enough financial traction to actually get ahead. There’s no room for long-term planning when you have trouble getting by on a daily basis. There’s no saving when there’s nothing left to save.
The Los Barriles Feeding the Hungry charity is actively intervening in the lives of local people caught up in this situation. They do this by regularly providing them with food vouchers so they can be assured of not going to bed hungry.
If you would like to help make a dramatic difference in the lives of the least fortunate among us, please contact Ben and Harriet Purkey or Gordon and Joy Blackie They would be delighted for you to become involved!
SNAP - Spay, Neuter, and Prevention
After a three-year hiatus due to the pandemic, the DIF (child welfare services) in Los Barriles revived their educational program Curso de Veranos. SNAP participated for the first time, by rolling out two programs.
The first, was an educational program aimed at empowering local children between the ages of 6 to 11 about the importance of responsible pet ownership. These kids spent an hour and a half with Dr. Dea Galvan talking about the basics of why being a good pet owner is important. Each child received a SNAP school backpack that included two take home activity books about dogs and cats. More than 100 children participated in this program, and they were eager to learn and make a positive impact on their community.
The second, a youth leadership development program, is a combined effort between Cortez Rescue and SNAP. The DIF selected 12 teenagers between the ages of 12 to 15 years to be part of this unique opportunity. These youngsters developed their leadership skills and gained the tools necessary to contribute to their community in a meaningful way.
SNAP and Cortez Rescue also ran a successful sterilization campaign. The organizations teamed up to help control the animal population while simultaneously supporting families in need. In the month of July, for every dog that was sterilized, a 20-kilo bag of food was provided to support the families involved. The response to this campaign was overwhelming, with over 200 dogs and cats being sterilized. To put this in perspective, SNAP doubled their monthly average of surgeries provided. This not only lightens the future burden on Cortez Rescue but also brings immense relief to countless families who may have been struggling to care for their pets.
Overall, SNAP Los Barriles has been making a significant difference in the lives of youth, animals, and families in the community. Additionally, their commitment to education and leadership development ensures that the future generation is well-informed and equipped to be responsible and empathetic pet owners and community leaders.
To Donate to Leaders2Give and any of our Partners, visit our Donate page.